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Goddess Alexandra Snow - Ex-Girlfriend's Revenge
Hello, dear. I thought I'd record this little message for you. I saw all those pictures you posted online of me—stuff I sent you in private. There's no one else it could have been. I assume your bitterness about me breaking up with you has finally reached its breaking point. I'm sure you thought I would be so ashamed to find that stuff online. I hate breaking it to you, but you made the dumbest move imaginable.I'm a porn star, after all. All you did was post more marketing material for me, you insignificant little cunt. But since you think it's fine and dandy to release private photos and videos, I'll have to release some of my own. Do you think I didn't keep every single picture of your ugly ass dick you ever sent me? Of course, I did. You should have never started this war, bitch.I'm going to shame you for the pervert you are.